Start the new year reenergised.

Start the new year reenergised.

Take stock of the year just gone by and start the new one in harmony 
with yourself. Stefanie Stahl, the chart-topping author and Germany’s best-known psychologist explains how we can re-establish our inner balance and learn to relax.

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It is the start of a new year. Many of us begin it with new hopes, expectations and resolutions but quickly fall back into old patterns of behaviour. We are stressed, do not take a break or look deep into ourselves. How can we maintain our inner compass all year round?
Having an inner compass means being in touch with your emotions. Many people conform too readily. They want to fulfil every expectation and run from one task to the next. In doing so, they lose touch with their own emotions and needs. Instead of focusing on your own supposed weaknesses, you should rather concentrate on your strengths and ask yourself what you are grateful for. A positive personal philosophy is also helpful. For instance, I am just as important as everyone else. Or: I am allowed to care for myself. Enjoying life is important. That does not necessarily require big changes. Even small steps can help, such as a bunch of fresh flowers on the desk, taking time to mindfully enjoy a cup of coffee, maintaining friendships or taking a small holiday. Those who find that difficult ought to bear in mind that if they feel better, others spending time in their company will also feel better. Stress makes people petty and irritable. If your batteries are fully charged, you will be able to be much kinder to yourself and others.

Stefanie Stahl and her book “The Child In You”

Stefanie Stahl and her book “The Child In You”
Stefanie Stahl and her book “The Child In You”