Not only a castle, but also a garden. This pure 17th century building is a historical monument, but also owes its fame to its green spaces. The Ballue Gardens, also classified, were given the designation "Jardin remarquable" (Remarkable Garden) and offer an ever-changing baroque sight with the changing seasons. Adorned with yew trees, topiari fountains and a labyrinth, they are a horticultural masterpiece that plays with perspectives, shadows and lights. In perfect harmony with today's tastes and comforts, this house near Saint-Malo and Mont Saint Michel exudes a pleasant, calm and relaxed luxury atmosphere.
Contact & Journey
A81 La Gravelle, then N157 Vitré, D178, N155 / A84 out 30 then N155 dir. Saint-Malo wilted at the height of Antrain.
Combourg (15 km)
Rennes Saint-Jacques (45 km)