
Easter Holiday

Easter brunch, champagne breakfast or fish menu on Good Friday: celebrate a relaxed Easter and the start of the warmer season at Romantik® Hotels & Restaurants. Spend the holidays without any stress, as a couple or with the whole family, including overnight stays, culinary delights or wellness. Discover our Romantik® offers for Easter now.

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Unser Romantik Ostermenü

Fischsuppe Hornberg

mit Safran-Aioli


mit Avocado, Kokos und Soja

Rosa Lammrücken

mit Knoblauchsauce und Mohndressing

Ostern 1

Ostern mit der Familie

Ostern steht für Familie, Glaube und Liebe. Es ist eine Zeit des Zusammenseins und der Besinnung. Eine Zeit, in der man das Beste aus dem Sommer herausholt und Zeit mit seinen Lieben verbringt. Lesen Sie unseren Blog mit Tipps zur Osterdekoration und genießen Sie die Momente der Zweisamkeit mit Ihren Lieben.

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FAQ's Frequently Asked Questions & Answers

A short holiday over Easter usually lasts 3-4 days. The free Easter holidays from Good Friday to Easter Monday are usually used for this.

The most popular destinations are wellness hotels, beach holidays on the North Sea and Baltic Sea, city trips or a relaxing break in a country hotel.

The spring months are perfect for hiking in the countryside or in the mountains. Other popular activities include lavish brunches or champagne breakfasts, visits to spring markets and museums or Easter egg hunts, usually for children. Some hotels offer an Easter egg hunt on site. Bicycle tours are also perfect for the time of year when it slowly gets warmer again. Some hotels hire out bikes and e-bikes directly on site.

Yes, many hotels offer Easter packages with childcare, Easter egg hunts and activities for the whole family, such as hikes with day packs and hiking maps or bike hire. Please enquire at your chosen hotel.

The weather at Easter is often mild and spring-like, ideal for walks and outdoor activities. If Easter falls in March, it can still be a little cooler - an onion jacket is recommended.